I have faced many disappointments in life, and I'm sure I will not be the last person to do so.
I have faced disappointment from my career, not being able to progress in the direction I would have wanted. Being held back deliberately by Others in establishment.
I have been let down massively in love and relationships.
I have been let down in friendship and trust.
I could go on.
You see the events we go through in our lives are lessons. They help to strengthen you, to build up you knowledge base, to prepare you for the next level of your life's journey.
You were born to be resilient.
You survived creation to become you the individual! You survived child birth, childhood, kid adult hood, adult hood to be where you are today.
Your journey in life is unique to you, but areas of your journey will help others walk a safer path, tried and tested path because you have already walked it and came through to share the experience.
Holding onto painful experiences, can poison the mind. It will become a wound that never heals. Negative vibes are not easy to get rid of. You will find that more negativity will come through the people that you meet, through more negative events and situations that comes towards you, until you feel that you are surrounded and sinking with the despair of how will you ever get through.
Negativity will begin to mess with your health, your body will react through a build up of stress, inflammation and illness.
Your mind and mental wellness will suffer, not trusting anyone, being paranoid. Feelings of self worth and self confidence disappears with negative thinking and pain.
So, is it worth hanging on to?
You see when you are going through situations, you may not see a way out. Look for lessons in life, look for the good things in the midst of bad. Move away from the negativity.
Find positive people, put yourself in feelgood situations deliberately. Develop your self confidence and love you first and foremost.
You see when you ultimately love yourself, no one can make you feel bad.